Friday, June 22, 2012

Men: 0 / This Woman: So Many Points

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Breaking up sucks. The loss of love is devastating, no matter what side of the fence you're on--but especially if you are the dumped.

Believe me when I say my boyfriend track record is marred and ugly. If there's something one can go through in a relationship, I've been through it. There was my first love (long-distance) who, on the day of my father's funeral, admonished me for not asking him how he felt about my dad's passing and then told me that rather than visit me, he was going to go to a music festival. There was the emotionally distant one who strung me along for two years, fled the state and didn't call me for two weeks...not even on my birthday. And oh yeah, didn't buy me a present either. There was the man-boy who tried so hard to be successful in an effort to impress his family, and he was severely, covertly abusive. There was the sensitive, romantic who all of the sudden began to belittle my every move and make ludicrous accusations about my 'controlling ways' and affection-absence before it was rumored he took off with a woman nearly twice his age, never to be heard from again.

So yes, dear readers, I know pain. I know bad relationships. And you know what else? I know how to bounce back and recover from them. (I wish I knew how to pick the right one, but I'll get there.) This is precisely why I'm starting a new series called Break Up Kit...everything we women and men need to get over our broken pasts without ever looking back except to say, "Ha! Look at me now!" But really, healing isn't about's about us...getting back on track, being strong, and never letting go of faith in love.

Until then, dear readers!