
My name is Rebecca. I'm a 28 (almost 29!) year old teacher from Florida. I love literature (especially the classics), movies, my boyfriend, and my pup. I am an asthmatic whose stupid lungs prevent me from being more active...but I won't let them win. I signed up for a 5k this year, and I intend to survive! I love to sew, although I'm still kind of a newbie. I also spend way too much time on Pinterest.

I'm no stranger to blogging. In fact, I've been blogging in one way, shape, or form since I was a senior in high school. I used to run a fashion blog, reLYME, and it even helped me score a sweet gig in the Big Apple. But, when I relocated to Florida, started teaching (again), bought a house, and signed up for grad school, I let my love for blogging and fashion fall by the wayside. Oh, I still love to shop...a tad too much, in fact. It's just that now, I've transitioned my passions into very high-energy projects!

Have you ever woke up one morning and felt like you haven't really lived? I mean, you're living, but not really living? That's how I'm feeling and that's what the Internet, and namely, Pinterest, has caused me to realize. Oh sure, I lived in NYC for a spell, and I traveled to Africa in 2011 (and plan to return next year) to work in a school. But, to me, real living doesn't have to be so drastic. I want to do things on the weekends, reclaim the creativity I once held so dear and the body I once held in such little esteem (but would love to have again!)

I started this blog for a few reasons: 1) It's summer. That means two months off, save for taking a couple of grad school classes. 2) What else do I have to do? I mean, really. 3) I feel as though if I commit my goals for creativity, cooking, and fitness (oh, did I forget to mention that's what I really want to focus on???) for the Internet world to read, I guess I have to stick with it.

But the main reason I started this blog? 4) I have had many experiences in my life...some wonderful, some awful, but they have all taught me a lot about myself, how to appreciate all that God has given me, and how to love others well. If anything I share can help you, too, then my job is only just beginning!

So rather than write about myself here, all in one place, I guess I'll let you get to know me through my blogging adventures. Well, here it is: my blog!

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